Fat Legs

Ripe For The Harvest

BY David DacksPublished Jan 21, 2008

Based in Alberta, Dan and Tiffany Milanese have been making noise for the past year or so. The four-track EP demonstrates a consistently successful tension between harmony and dissonance. For me, this is the mark of a good noisician: to be able to control what they’re doing in order to achieve harmony, if only to abandon it later on. That creates a far more unsettling listening experience than a wall of mushy, unfocused sound. "Sickle Cell” sees moderate length delay settings smearing metallic scraping and electrical hum. A solitary electric bass note is at the foundation of the song, providing a centre from which everything else plays off. "White Fields” features a circular motif that sounds like an arpeggio on an amplified dentist’s drill put through a ring modulator, but even then a sustained chord in the background makes it almost beautiful. "The Bungalow Mystery” is perhaps the most seasick of all tracks, with a repeating two-note figure setting up expectations of minimalism, only to have microtonal variations push the sound world off its expected axis. "Stencils” contains a wall of smeared verbs, with garbled, huge voices. If anything sounds like "typical” noise, it’s this. There are some very effective compositions here, though they have a tendency to rely on similar delay settings.

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