Astrid Oto

Astrid Oto

BY Rob FerrazPublished Jun 1, 2003

Astrid Oto is bringing some East Bay punk-flavoured pop to North Carolina. Featuring Aaron Cometbus of Crimpshrine, Pinhead Gunpowder and Cometbus zine fame, this combo doesn’t sound a whole lot different from his erstwhile projects. But while Crimpshrine had the trademark gravely vocals of Jeff Ott and Pinhead Gunpowder had Billy Jo from Green Day, Astrid Oto has the uninspired shouting of "South Bay” Cindy. The comparisons to his other bands are inevitable since they sound very similar, especially to Pinhead Gunpowder. And although the songs are catchy enough, this doesn’t measure up to the other material. The potential is there but the vocals don’t do much for this release.
(No Idea)

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