Watch Soccer Mommy and Snail Mail Cover Avril Lavigne's "I'm with You"

They teamed up to perform the 'Let Go' hit in Baltimore

Photos: Snail Mail by Tina Tyrell, Soccer Mommy by Sophie Hur

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Feb 13, 2023

Sharing the initials SM for their respective monikers, indie innovators Soccer Mommy (née Sophie Allison) and Snail Mail (Lindsay Jordan) sensed there was something missing. And, as per usual, it was Avril Lavigne.

Allison and Jordan teamed up over the weekend to give a rendition of the motherfucking princess's Let Go power ballad "I'm with You" in the latter's hometown of Baltimore over the weekend, where Jordan is hosting a five-night Valentine Fest residency at Ottoman Bar. It was a damn cold night, and there they were — like any of us — trying to figure out this life.

In honour of her 2021 sophomore album Valentine (and the holiday, I guess?), Jordan also shared the stage with Feeble Little Horse and Animal Collective member Geologist on Saturday night (February 11).

Watch fan footage of the performance, which includes a tasteful smattering of giggles, below. Perhaps let it take you by the hand, take you somewhere new.


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