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Run the Jewels Reveal New Song in 'Gears of War' Trailer

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Sep 1, 2016

If you're the kind of person that likes to snap your synapses with a hyper-intoxicating mix of high-profile rap and virtual gore, it's time to open up those eyes and ears. Super duo Run the Jewels have previewed some more of their much anticipated, still to-be-detailed third LP via a hyper-violent new game trailer for Gears of War 4.

Killer Mike and El-P's latest tease from the forthcoming album is for "Panther Like A Panther (I'm The Shit)." While the song sounds like another massive boom-bap cut from the pair, it might be a little hard to catch the finer details, considering it's mixed together with a steady stream of video game gun sounds.

The fourth instalment of the shooter series looks pretty intense, with some monsters getting chainsaws through their sternums, and soldiers firing out round after round of artillery into some weird-ass giant crab creature that looks like the freaky offspring of a Xenomorph and one of the Inhumanoids.

Apparently, Run the Jewels inadvertently helped with the creation of Gears of War 4,.

"Run the Jewels was on heavy rotation when we started laying the groundwork for the next era of Gears back in 2014, and has been there ever since." Rod Fergusson, studio head for gamemakers The Coalition, said in a statement. "The fact that two career artists came together as a group to create something so special - a rarity in modern hip-hop - are things that Gears fans will immediately recognize and appreciate. We're proud to have Run the Jewels as a part of the Gears of War family."

In addition to the brand synergy of the game trailer, Run the Jewels have also revealed some limited edition crossover swag. The band are selling new t-shirts and hoodies that swaps out one of their now-iconic logo's  disembodied zombie hands with a massive, Gears-appropriate machine gun. You can see a pic below, along with the trailer, while you can nab yourself a shirt over here.

Gears of War 4 is out October 11 for Xbox One and Windows 10, while RTJ3's arrival is still TBA.

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