Kaufman / Moore / van der Schyff


BY Nilan PereraPublished Aug 1, 2006

This release brings together three seasoned improvisers in a setting that combines free improvisation with the ability to refer strongly to form. While the music has some obviously stylised compositions that refer to specific genres within jazz, the musicians themselves tear through them with confidence and a looseness that comes with familiarity. The last release from the group pointed to the individual strengths of this ensemble but, for me, lacked the cohesion of this latest recording. Moore’s rather detached style has finally been kicked into gear by van der Schyff’s insistence on making it happen while Kaufmann himself flows throughout with a little more ease. The two tracks featuring guest trombonist Wolter Wierbos really had everybody pushing the limits; so much so that I would venture that this trio could do well to consider themselves a quartet.
(Red Toucan)

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