
Northern Failures

BY Chris GramlichPublished Oct 1, 2001

Cable's tragedy, or perhaps their raison d'être, is the fact that they've never been able to overcome the adversity that allows them to create such beautifully tormented music. Having broken up innumerable times, only to eventually reform and once again unleash a spiteful and distraught musical condemnation, then, drained, Cable once again dissolve into the ether of misery that spawned them. Originally recorded over a year ago, Northern Failures was shelved by Hydra Head after Cable succumbed to their nature and crumbled after its creation, but while time heals nothing, it seems to deaden the lessons learned, and, buoyed by its release, Cable has once again reformed, however briefly. Inspired to continue its legacy Cable should unquestionably be, as Northern Failures is an agonisingly brilliant and oppressive offering of noise rock influences turned Southern doom nihilism the likes of which rivals hatecore's lords of despair, Buzzov*en and Eyehategod. Northern Failures leads off with "Wings of Hope," a track that swings with Sabbath-like groove and gloom, opaque and unrelenting, embracing the doom-leanings hinted at on Gutter Queen and refining the noise rock abrasions, a theme that is pursued throughout Northern Failures. However, unlike Buzzov*en or Eyehategod, vocally, Cable never decays to unintelligible levels, despite the tattered vocals screaming their frayed thoughts, and its more focused song structures only serves to inflict increased punishment. "Black Leather Moustache" is another standout, utilising Southern hatecore riffing with acoustic moments of regret, becoming more damaging, reflective and emotionally rending in the process. Given excellent sonic clarity by Steve Austin, and sporting a minimalist, black on black digi-pack presentation, Northern Failure serves as either a fitting epitaph or a warning of the storm to come, depending on Cable.
(Hydra Head)

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