John Mulaney Clarifies That Movies Aren't Made in Los Angeles: "That Is Vancouver"

Or Atlanta

Photo courtesy of Netflix

BY Alex HudsonPublished May 9, 2024

Many a true word is spoken in jest, and that adage certainly applies to a recent joke from comedian John Mulaney, who has commented on the migration of the film industry from Los Angeles to Vancouver.

On his new live Netflix variety show John Mulaney Presents: Everybody's in L.A., the host began the first episode, "COYOTES," with a monologue about the titular city, pulling down a map and point out different districts of the city.

"One of the stereotypes of L.A. is that it's all these magical movies being made everywhere. Well that's not Los Angeles — that is Vancouver, up here," he said, pointing north of his city map. "Every movie is made in Vancouver or Atlanta."

Thanks for clearing that up John! Although it should be pointed out that lots of big movies are made in Toronto these days, thanks in part to local resident Guillermo del Toro.

This isn't the first time Mulaney has joked about Vancouver's booming movie industry. Last year, he and Conan joked about Vancouver's cheap extras, with Mulaney saying, "You ever watch a movie and you notice: there's no extras. They didn't have a dime. That's Vancouver and there's no extras!"

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