DizzyAdam StranglerPartnerHelena DelandForeign DiplomatsMegativeTire le CoyoteBusty and the BassSuzanne VegaBasia BulatCharlotte CardinCat PowerGodspeed You! Black EmperorPatrick WatsonCity and Colour
Mile Ex End Musique Montreal
Viaduc Van Horne
248 Rosemont Blvd
Montreal, QC
Doors open @ Sep 2, 2017, 4:00 PM
- Dizzy
- Adam Strangler
- Partner
- Helena Deland
- Foreign Diplomats
- Megative
- Tire le Coyote
- Busty and the Bass
- Suzanne Vega
- Basia Bulat
- Charlotte Cardin
- Cat Power
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- Patrick Watson
- City and Colour
Two days of concerts under the Van Horne overpass.
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