Viking Crown

Innocence From Hell

BY Greg PrattPublished May 1, 2000

Members of legendary underground thrash band Necrophagia and, uh, Pantera get together and make some bastard black metal offspring here, which comes off sounding like a rough demo CD-R, songs fading in and out, "songs" all being hodgepodges of evil goo that sort of drip out of your speakers and onto your floor. I can barely tell any instrument from the next, but from what I can identify, the drumming is boring, the vocals are boring and black metal fans the world over will probably love it, because any black metal band I find boring (all of them, spare Emperor, for bringing in non-black metal elements, and Cradle of Filth, for being entertaining as heck and having a sense of humour), black metal kids eat up. But if you ask me, this disc epitomises the whole mess that is the black metal genre - anti-social, messily played, emotionally barren and amazingly listener-unfriendly. I just don't get it, and don't want to.

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