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Tom Scharpling Accuses Google of Stealing Song from 'The Best Show'

BY Josiah HughesPublished Nov 19, 2015

Google might be an all-powerful corporation likely hellbent on world domination, but it doesn't stand a chance against the rabid fans of Tom Scharpling's The Best Show. The long-running podcast and radio show has amassed an enormous group of acolytes, and they're all pissed off now that Google has allegedly stolen an in-joke for a new commercial.

For years, Scharpling has joked around about a hit single that features the lyrics "Come on y'all it's time to have fun!" The joke kept building momentum to the point where earlier this year, Islands' Nick Thorburn turned it into a proper dance single complete with funny synths.

Earlier this month, Google published a 15-second ad for their Chromebook laptop/tablet hybrid, and it included snippet of music with the lyrics, "Come on now, let's have big fun."

Naturally, Scharpling mentioned the alleged rip-off on Twitter:

While it seems like an incredibly odd choice of source material to intentionally steal, the similarities are certainly uncanny. You can listen to both tracks below — the most damning part of Thorburn's song comes at the 1:20 mark.

UPDATE (11/19, 1:20 p.m.): Tom Scharpling shared the following statement with Pitchfork:

When I hear elements of The Best Show in other comedy I'm usually flattered, because there are certainly elements of other comedy and comedians in The Best Show. But this is not a matter of influence or parallel thinking. This is a case of straight up thievery.

Google is a terrible company whose crimes against humanity are legion. And shamelessly ripping off content from a radio show that I have written and performed for free over the last fifteen years is merely their latest shameful act.

I will be pursuing this matter to the fullest extent of the law. Future updates and new episodes of The Best Show will be posted at

The good guys will win in the end!


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