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Tim Heidecker Shares 58-Song Heidecker & Wood Compilation

BY Josiah HughesPublished Nov 27, 2015

When he's not challenging the boundaries of comedy as an actor, writer and producer, Tim Heidecker occasionally teams up with Davin Wood for the excellent soft rock project Heidecker & Wood. The pair released their last album Some Things Never Stay the Same in 2013, and today they've returned with an enormous new compilation.

The release is called Good As Is, and it's billed as "a collection of lost, unfinished and unworthy songs from 2007-2015." The write-up adds that the songs make the duo "cringe," but they also "believe there's some gold in this pile of shit and that maybe it'd be fun to sort through and find for yourself."

The collection runs extremely deep, with 58 songs in total. The song titles alone suggest a fascinating listen; we can't wait to dig into "Neil Young Party," "Flesh Pocket" and "Fancy Boy."

As the album's liner notes explain, the collection was pieced together by Adam Forkner (White Rainbow), who "made sense of it all and mixed these just enough so your ears don't bleed." 

Good As Is is available for the low price of one dollar via BitTorrent.

Good As Is (2007-2015):

1. He's The One
2. Princes and Paupers
3. I Wanna Be Mad
4. Noodle Jazz
5. When I Move To Jamacia
6. baseball
7. Desert Rose
8. Romantic Weekend
9. Panama Jack
10. Billy Got Drunk Last Night
11. So Early
12. Lucky Kid
13. Switchblade Sam
14. Interesting Wedding
15. Only Dancing
16. Number One Song
17. Waiting On Your Call
18. Wrong Side Of The Bed
19. Were You Alive
20. Avalon
21. Apple Wine
22. Keep On The Light
23. Insomnia
24. Fancy Boy
25. Fire In My Heart
26. A Lot Of Loving For You
27. Wild Child
28. Wishing Water
29. Say Goodbye
30. Mucas Man
31. It's OK
32. Born Waiting (For You)
33. Wizard of Oz
34. Neil Young Party
35. Flesh Pocket
36. Come Along
37. Deep In My Marrow
38. Don't Know How
39. Don't Wanna Hear From You
40. Guys Like Me
41. Insomnia pt 2
42. Everybody Knows
43. Living Hell
44. Lucas Has Lupas
45. What If We Could Fly
46. What Is My Heart Gonna Do
47. Murder On The Boat
48. Send My Love To You
49. Slow Dreamy One
50. Paper On Time
51. Songs For Murderes
52. The War Was Over Before It Began
53. Christmas Lights
55. World Is Too Big
54. Tiny Lanborghini
56. Dreams Aren't Real
57. Light Only Shines On The Kind (songwriting demo)
58. Three For The Road (songwriting demos)

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