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Stone Temple Pilots Sue Scott Weiland

BY Alex HudsonPublished May 27, 2013

The rock'n'roll soap opera that is Stone Temple Pilots' career has entered a dramatic new chapter as of late, with troubled singer Scott Weiland being replaced by Linkin Park's Chester Bennington. Now the band are suing their former singer.

The lawsuit, which was filed on Friday (May 24) in Los Angeles, reads [via Billboard], "The band endured much strife and lost significant opportunities because of Weiland."

It further claims that Weiland was chronically late for shows and states, "Without relief from the court, Weiland will continue violating STP's rights, misappropriating STP assets and interfering with the band's livelihood."

The suit points out that Weiland plays Stone Temple Pilots material during his own shows, and the legal action aims to stop the vocalist from promoting himself as a former band member.

This is reportedly in response to Weiland's lawyer telling the head of programming at Los Angeles' KROQ that the station would be infringing Weiland's rights if it played STP's new song with Bennington, "Out of Time."

On Friday, Weiland posted an open letter on his Facebook page outlining his disapproval of the new lineup. He wrote that he only learned about the new singer when news went out on the internet and admitted that his feelings we hurt.

He argued, "First of all they don't have the legal right to call themselves STP because I'm still a member of the band. And more importantly, they don't have the ethical right to call themselves Stone Temple Pilots because it's misleading and dishonest to the millions of fans that have followed us for so many years."

He promised to tour this summer under his own name.

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