The Singular

I Finally Know What's Good For Me

BY Sari DelmarPublished Apr 18, 2007

The Singular are a band that refuse to let music simply be a background to our superficial lives. Their debut EP can’t simply play in your car, it can’t simply be on a TV show, nor can it let any listener in its vicinity simply be. The Singular are not simple, they are deep, require an attention to detail, focus and encourage the listener to "pause” their surroundings, reach inside their cold chests and toy with that bloody red organ. It’s scary, yes, and music with such intensity is often avoided by those not ready to stare themselves straight in the eye. Largely influenced by post-rock visionaries Explosions in the Sky or Mogwai, this Cleveland, OH three-piece are a true example of a genre done right. The opening cut, "Metal for Breakfast,” starts the diverse album off in a dance-y techno fashion before giving way to a catchy, poppy chorus. The lyrics don’t just float on the surface, they are as carefully chosen as the music is written. Lead singer James Pequignot passionately guides us through the ambient catharsis and when you arrive at the other end, after the depressingly beautiful piano ballad "Cheer Up,” you most likely will be a whole new person, one who understands themselves and the world around them a bit more. Accomplishing this feat with music is groundbreaking and the pleasant consequence of writing this incredible EP.


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