The Polyphonic Spree

The Fragile Army

BY Chris WhibbsPublished Jun 19, 2007

Uh oh. It seems the cute little cult that was the Polyphonic Spree have decided to mobilise and organise. Soon they’ll have bubble blowing, rainbow striped tanks rumbling down Anytown, USA! Lock your windows and, for God’s sake, hide your weed! Yes, snappy army fatigues have overtaken the flowing candy coloured robes and arm-in-arm camaraderie of earlier albums The Beginning Stages Of and Together We’re Heavy but, luckily, the band’s love of orchestral pop and harmonised vocals remain. Actually, this organisation has done wonders, as they’ve tightened up their ship considerably. Of course, this Spree have always been about wonder and fascination, so tight rock riffs might be a tad antithetical but it works wonders for casual listeners. "Section 22: Running Away” thunders open with drums, flutes and a tangible intensity but there is a much greater focus on guitars and little bit of rock this time around, demonstrated best in the middle of "Section 29: Light to Follow.” There are some political messages and other crazy explanations behind this change but the Spree lose their fun when you look too far into this lovely nonsense. Just press play and get lost in their orchestral madness.

Where’d the robes go?
Tim DeLaughter (lead vocals/piano/guitarist): This band’s almost seven years old and it’s constantly evolving. As the records evolve so does what we’re wearing. We’re still unified as a group but I do believe our attire is more reflective of what’s happening right now and we’re streamlined for the future, so to speak.

What was the intention behind the tighter sound?
It’s not tighter but what we really wanted to do was make a more urgent rock record or more of an electric and shorter blast of our songs. Rather than taking this long stroll through a song we wanted to put you on a hyper-ride and extend you into another place real quick.

Lyrics or music?
"I’ve never put much stock into my lyrics. I love big choruses and anthems more than I love the message you get out of the song. That’s kind of weird but that’s where I get my most amount of pleasure and reward, where my hair stands on the back of my head, feeling that blush of going into that chorus or that inspiring feeling I get by singing the lyrics with that rush of the musicality at that point.

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