Loose Tapestries

"Can't Wait for Christmas" (ft. Idris Elba) (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Dec 4, 2015

Tired of streaming the same old holiday tunes? Fret not, for Loose Tapestries (the gag project between UK comedian Noel Fielding and Kasabian frontman Serge Pizzorno) have unveiled a new kind of Christmas song, one they explain can be "sprinkled into the eyes of children." You can sample their ecstatic "Can't Wait for Christmas" right now via a new video.

Following an intro that explains that the pair of minstrels were "drunk on eggnog" while penning the track, "Can't Wait for Christmas" unfolds as a funky festive number about kiddies being thankful for their gifted joysticks, socks, Rolex watches and more.

Hopping on the track mid-cut is actor Idris Elba, who raps about downing Baileys and the prospect of a new Xbox.

You can sample the rest of the seasonal offering below.

As previously reported, Fielding heads off an a North American comedy tour next spring, making his way to Toronto and Vancouver along the way. You'll find the show details over here.

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