Jack White

"Lazaretto" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Jun 4, 2014

Following last week's drama over some Black Keys-castigating comments, Jack White is putting the focus back on his Lazaretto with a smashing new video for its title track.

The black and white video finds the blue-veined Third Man boss strutting around a soundstage, cranking out licks he apparently crafted out of thoughts from his "electric brain." There's also a lot of shattered glass flying around throughout the video, incurred from a flicked guitar pick, a mean slider, and the bombast of a White-delivered blues rock riff.

You'll see White and the rest of his band magically not getting all cut up in the Jonas & Francois-directed video down below.

As previously reported, Lazaretto drops June 10 through Third Man Records/Columbia.

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