Inked In Blood

Sometimes We Are Beautiful

BY Andrea DyerPublished Oct 25, 2007

The Pacific-Northeast isn’t lacking in talent, so for Portland, OR’s Inked In Blood to be as tight and appealing as they are it had to have taken a little more than musical decency to bring them to the frontlines of the melodic hardcore realm. Sometimes We Are Beautiful demands its listener’s attention right from opening track "Call to Arms,” which incorporates all that a melodic hardcore fan might be looking for: sensible music patterns, a blend of hard-hitting screaming and signing, and good ol’ breakdowns. As the album unfolds, there’s no room for disappointment, as each song incorporates something new. "Angel of Lost Hopes” introduces some vocal layering, while "Altars” eases off on the hardcore and narrows in on a more rock-ish sound. Mid-album there is (for lack of a better word) a pretty instrumental treat. "With Devils” brings forth some prominent bass, and it’s all topped off nicely with the finishing track "Paradise Regained.” Sometimes We Are Beautiful is the band’s most proficient work yet.

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