Fuck Buttons' Andrew Hung Emerges with Dawn Hunger Project for New 12-inch

BY Alex HudsonPublished Oct 3, 2012

Last year, Fuck Buttons member Benjamin John Power rolled out an album with his solo vehicle Blanck Mass. Now, his bandmate Andrew Hung is preparing his own side-project release under the moniker Dawn Hunger. The project's debut release is a 12-inch single, due out on November 5, which features the tracks "Stumbling Room" and "Billowed Wind."

The songs were written and produced by Hung and feature vocalist Claire Inglis (plus Matthew de Pulford during live shows). An announcement describes the songs as "turbulent and disconcerting. Bereft of excess; jagged components are given space to breathe and move, attracting each other into unsettling frenzy. Groove is redefined by unhinged yet locked drums. The female voice screeches and wails to disturb, and compel in equal measures."

The stuttering, jarring "Stumbling Room" is streaming below.

Pre-order the self-released single right here and check out the cover artwork above. The band's live schedule (which is limited to Europe) can be seen here.

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