Find Out What 'Star Wars' Character You Are via Your Spotify Listening Habits

BY Josiah HughesPublished Dec 15, 2015

With J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens finally set to open this week, it's practically the law that we're forced to talk about it at all times. The conversation has now spilled over into the music world with a new project from Spotify.

The project, available here, uses your listening habits to determine which Star Wars character you're most like. Then, each character has his or her (or its) own playlist.

"Pro-tip, if you listen to a lot of '80s hair metal then you will probably get Chewbacca," the site reads.

We're also going to go ahead and guess that Luke Skywalker likes bands with questionable brother-sister dynamics, R2-D2 digs RJD2 and Jar-Jar Binks is a huge fan of white reggae quartet MAGIC!

You don't actually need a Spotify account to determine your Star Wars music mate. Instead, figure it all out here

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