Division of Laura Lee

Violence Is Timeless

BY Keith CarmanPublished Aug 6, 2009

It's been four years since progressive punks Division Of Laura Lee's final effort with Epitaph: 2004's Das Not Compute. While one might think that span in time might have led them to reconsider their increasingly softer stylistic approach, the first two seconds of Violence Is Timeless prove otherwise. Wrapped up in this sort of rhythmically-heavy/lilting pop song territory, the band are creating what could be seen as their own sub-genre: Swemo (Swedish Emo), the amalgamation of the Hives' staccato rhythms and simplistic, upbeat drive smashed together with emo's passive vocal delivery, overuse of twangy guitar melodies and a general sense that cardigans are the preferred choice for stage wear. It's passable, and really just pop rock, but not entirely captivating; it's the approximation of a whiny geek continually poking you in the shoulder for attention. You eventually turn their way but only begrudgingly. While a few tracks manage to incite toe-taps or extra swagger, the title of this effort might be the only memorable element.
(I Made This)

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