
'Gore' Teaser 2

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Feb 3, 2016

With Deftones's new Gore LP officially confirmed to arrive this spring, fans are no doubt chomping at the bit to hear some fresh music from the alt-metal masters. A quickie preview was offered up just the other day, and now a minute's worth of music from an as-yet-unidentified tune is streaming as well.

Though buried in guitar distortion, the preview presents a pleasant melody, upon which Chino Moreno plasters plenty of vocal work. Though the full narrative is unclear, at one point he seems to be using his instantly recognizable pipes to sing about "triangles laced in your mind."

The clip, which comes equipped with visuals of a plethora of wing-flapping pink flamingos, can be found below. Gore sees releases April 8 through Warner Bros. Records.

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