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Com Truise

Wave 1

BY Daniel SylvesterPublished Feb 14, 2014

On his analog synth-heavy debut LP, Galactic Melt, Seth Haley (a.k.a. Com Truise) came off as a musician possessed by and obsessed with his hardware. On the stopgap Wave 1 EP, his newest batch of songs, Haley feels looser, more focused and much more imaginative. Relying less on effects and plug-ins to drive his music, the seven tracks that make up the EP seemingly run with pure sonic purpose, while never sounding structured or systematized.

The stutter-step funk of "Mind" and cascading EP highlight "Valis Called (Control)" ditch the layers of sound that defined his earlier work to focus on sharper odd signature rhythms. Adding the vocals of Joel Ford (of Ford & Lopatin) to the gummy "Declination" gives the album a direct focal point, as the mood of each song seems to build or contrast this menacing pop hybrid. Although Com Truise has yet to release a truly transcendent piece of art, Wave 1 shows the young beatmaker in transition, fearlessly searching for his definitive sound.
(Ghostly International)

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