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Chad VanGaalen Shares 'Odds & Sods 2'

Sales proceeds will benefit the Sweet Relief COVID-19 fund

BY Allie GregoryPublished Mar 20, 2020

Chad VanGaalen put a brand new album out today in support of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis affecting the livelihood of musicians and artists. The record — titled Odds & Sods 2 — is a collection of unreleased B-sides from his last three records.

Proceeds from the eight-track record will go towards Sweet Relief, a charity focused on supporting artists and music industry workers who've had their wages affected by the pandemic. The charity aims to fund lodging, medical expenses, clothing and "other vital living expenses to those impacted due to sickness or loss of work."

The album comprises rarities and "oddball tracks" plucked from the last 10 years of VanGaalen's discography. Previously, some of these songs would have only been available on cassette or at his merch table.

Here's what the artist had to say about the collection:

Fans may recognize "Liquid Expansion," which was regularly on the setlist during touring for 2014's Shrink Dust — despite not making the cut. The unlikely flute jams of "Origins of the Shard" was also a result of the sessions from that period. "Eating Ciggs" and the blistering VU-jammer "Reformat (Egypto)" were on the shortlist for 2017's Light Information. "Min Fun" was probably recorded around the same time, and ended up on a very limited tour tape. Garage stomper "Space Dreaming" is maybe the oldest of the tracks, recorded around the time of the 2011 LP Diaper Island, and rounding out the collection are two recent instrumentals: "Styrofoam Beach Toy," and "The Last Starfighter's Napkin."

VanGaalen's latest full-length record was 2017's Light Information.

Listen to the record in full below, and if you can, head over to Sweet Relief to help artists in need.

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