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Grimes and Elon Musk Can't Name Their Baby X Æ A-12, States California Law

BY Allie GregoryPublished May 6, 2020

After Grimes and Elon Musk welcomed their first son into the world earlier this week, the internet was set aflame by the couple's ridiculous name choice, X Æ A-12.

As it turns out, they might have to change it to something a little more, well, normal, after a supervisor at the Department of Public Health Vital Records Office in Los Angeles ruled that their name choice violates California law.

According to TMZ, children born in the state of California must be named using only the 26 letters of the alphabet — meaning no symbols or numbers, like those in poor baby X's full name.

The couple revealed the meaning behind the baby boy's outlandish name late last night (May 5).

According to Grimes, the lawbreaking A-12 portion of the name means "Archangel," named after the couple's favourite aircraft.

Luckily for them, the name could be easily amended to remove the numbers so the baby is no longer a criminal under the eyes of the law. Though, changing it to its English spelling probably won't stop it from continuing to be super weird.

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