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Angelo Badalamenti's 'Evilenko' Score Gets First Vinyl Release

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Oct 19, 2016

While everyone gets overtaken by Twin Peaks fever, David Lynch's famed soundtracker Angelo Badalamenti is also shining the spotlight on a different set of work. Specifically, Badalamenti will be celebrating the first-ever vinyl release for his soundtrack to 2004 crime thriller Evilenko.

According to a newly posted retail listing, the score will make its vinyl debut early next year on January 13. Apparently, this vinyl release will be limited to just 499 copies.

Here's how the listing describes the release: "Superb mix of melancholic melody with illusions, terror spiral to tragic climax with beautiful orchestration," adding that the release includes two tracks with Cranberries vocalist Dolores O'Riordan, "Angels Go to Heaven" and "No Way Out."

The film itself was directed by David Grieco and starred Malcolm McDowell, Marton Csokas and Ronald Pickup. It loosely was based on the story of Soviet serial killer Andrei Chikatilo.

Down below, you can listen to a few samples from Badalamenti's accompanying score.

The Evilenko release follows news of a fresh vinyl reissue of Lynch's Lost Highway, as well as Badalamenti's return to Twin Peaks. Lost Highway will reemerge on wax via Music on Vinyl on November 4, while Twin Peaks is set to return to TV come 2017.

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