James Gunn Wants to Do a Harley Quinn and Groot Crossover Film for Some Reason

"I would really be happy to do a Harley Quinn and Groot movie"

BY Allie GregoryPublished Jul 26, 2021

Of all the titles, characters and stories James Gunn has bestowed upon us over the years, who would have guessed that his dream crossover concept would be between MCU's Groot and DC's Harley Quinn? It's not as far-fetched an idea as you might assume, at least not according to Gunn. 

"I would really be happy to do a Harley Quinn and Groot movie," Gunn said in a recent interview [via Cinema Blend]. "Not only have I thought about that, but I have actually talked about that to the heads of both Marvel and DC."

He added: "It's like everybody's open to everything, but whether anything would ever happen, who knows? But the idea of being able to bring Marvel and DC together in a movie, that would be really fun for me."

The hypothetical crossover would bring the two characters previously directed by Gunn — from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy and DC's The Suicide Squad, respectively — together for the first time.

This isn't the first time, however, that the filmmaker has pondered the crossover, as /Film points out. Last year, when asked on Twitter if he could choose one character from both films to meet, his response was the same.

"I've discussed this extensively with Margot Robbie and I think Harley and Groot would have fabulous adventures together," he said at the time.

Whether Gunn's crossover dreams have any basis in reality, that is yet to be seen. Fingers crossed for the Stans, and for Gunn, who recently expressed his concern for how boring superhero movies have become as of late.

"The only hope for the future of the comic book and superhero films is to change them up," the filmmaker said last week.

Gunn's The Suicide Squad will premiere on August 4 at Montreal's Fantasia International Film Festival. It will get its wide debut on August 6, when it will also arrive on HBO Max and in theatres.

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