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Rob Lowe Will Play a Quebecois Mayor in 'Super Troopers 2'

BY Josiah HughesPublished Sep 14, 2016

After a highly successful crowdfunding campaign, the cult comedy movie Super Troopers is finally getting a sequel. The Broken Lizard troupe began production on the film in Boston last week, and now they've gotten a major casting coup as Rob Lowe has signed on for the flick.

Fresh off of having his life and career raked through the coals at the Comedy Central roast, Lowe has signed on for a major role in Super Troopers 2.

The news comes from Deadline, who report that Lowe will play Guy Le Franc, a former professional hockey player who is now the mayor of a Quebecois border town. 

Using Indiegogo, Broken Lizard blasted past their fundraising goals. Though they initially asked for $2 million USD, they raked in a whopping $4.5 million.

Upon its completion, Super Troopers 2 will be released by Fox Searchlight.


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