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Is LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy Producing the New Arcade Fire Album?

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Sep 5, 2012

Well, here's one you can file under "crazy rumours you can only hope are true." LCD Soundsystem head honcho James Murphy has hinted that he may be producing Arcade Fire's next album.

In a recent BBC Radio 1 interview with Zane Lowe, Murphy was asked, "What can you tell us about what you're doing? Can you talk about the AF record? Is that on the cards?"

As for the reply, Murphy jokingly answered, "No, no -- that's not something I can talk about yet. The Abercrombie & Fitch record."

Yes, it's not much to go on, but Murphy has had a long-standing relationship with the Canadian indie rock collective. Not only were they once tourmates, but LCD Soundsystem and Arcade Fire released a split 7-inch back in 2007 and the AF crew made a live appearance with LCD at the latter's big farewell show in 2011.

Also, as the Guardian [via FACT] points out, Murphy has expressed a desire to work with the band in the past. He had this to say to BBC 6Music in 2010: "Before Neon Bible [was recorded] I went to Montreal and hung out with them. We talked about doing the record but it just didn't work out…I took an extra year off but so did they, so when it was time to make [the new LCD Soundsystem] record, they were making theirs."

Still, this whole thing is obviously very much in the rumour stages. And if it doesn't pan out, we can't wait to see what that Abercrombie & Fitch record is all about.

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