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Dance Gavin Dance

Instant Gratification

BY Branan RanjanathanPublished Apr 14, 2015

After making five studio albums and an EP over nearly a decade, any band might be expected to start sounding stale, unless their writing formula was subject to regular re-evaluation. Dance Gavin Dance have proven to be an exception, and have managed to outdo themselves with their latest LP by exploiting all of the strongest points of their previous records.
On Instant Gratification, the five-piece unit have fortified their signature brand of experimental math-rock infused with post-hardcore; all of the songs on the album showcase a tremendous amount of technical skill and remain fairly busy throughout, while still managing to keep the pacing varied. The meticulous instrumental arrangement of songs like "Stroke God, Millionaire" showcase Will Swan's frenetic guitar riffing and stop-start rhythms nicely, and they complement the relentless pounding of drummer Matt Mingus perfectly.
The band seamlessly transition between blistering chaos and smooth, hook-laden pop breaks, best demonstrated on "Shark Dad," on which they manage to effortlessly switch gears from blast beats and riffs composed entirely of harmonic squeals to a syncopated bass line paired with soaring vocals. Tilian Pearson's harmonies are used sparingly and strategically, and are juxtaposed by Jon Mess' distinctive mid-range scream.
Instant Gratification is the culmination of the band's growth over the years, and delivers a variety of well-crafted songs.

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