Listening to this obtusely named cassette, it's immediately apparent that this is not Yves Malone's first soundtrack. His moody synthesizer tapestries are too well assembled and drama-filled for this to be his initial foray into scoring. A peek into his back catalogue reveals that Malone released Three Movies back in 2014 on the Field Hymns label, each tape an accompaniment to an imaginary visual narrative. The music on The Unfortunate Occurrence of Memories Not Our Own Bleeding Through and the Hole That Fills Them is the soundtrack to an actual film — a short from visual artist Randy Pool — that originally arrived in 2009.
The narrative documents a couple hunkered down under the threat of a tornado, appearing to succumb to the weight of their mutual solitude. Malone's work is a subdued, even-keeled brand of synthesizer music. The emotional weight of the story is carried by slowly plodding melodies and thick bass lines that seem endless. There are no jarring or brash blasts of noise, no pulse-quickening sequences. His is a slowly realized sense of dread, one that creeps up on the listener; it's perfect soundtrack material.
(J&C Tapes)The narrative documents a couple hunkered down under the threat of a tornado, appearing to succumb to the weight of their mutual solitude. Malone's work is a subdued, even-keeled brand of synthesizer music. The emotional weight of the story is carried by slowly plodding melodies and thick bass lines that seem endless. There are no jarring or brash blasts of noise, no pulse-quickening sequences. His is a slowly realized sense of dread, one that creeps up on the listener; it's perfect soundtrack material.