Kanye West Is So Pissed Off About the Music Industry That He Pissed on His Own Grammy

BY Josiah HughesPublished Sep 16, 2020

Kanye West is once again tweeting through some issues this week as he attempts to fight his way out of his record deals with Universal and Sony. Today, he started his tirade by tweeting one page at a time from all of his record contracts. Because that was too boring, he concluded the rant with a video of himself pissing on a Grammy.

Well, it's actually hard to completely confirm whose piss or Grammy is in the video, but context (including the Yeezy crocs) suggest that it's Kanye letting loose on his award. We heard that streaming was changing the music industry, but this is ridiculous. 

Kanye had previously spent the morning tweeting out page after page of his recording contracts with both Sony and Universal. He also tweeted out the phone number for the editor of Forbes magazine, begged Bono for a retweet and got up to all kinds of other shenanigans. 

It's really too much to embed, but you can check it out on his page before it inevitably gets deleted.

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