Your enjoyment of the trailer for Bad Santa 2 will depend on exactly how amused you are by things that are offensive for the sake of being offensive. The NSFW clip does not feature traditional "jokes" with premises and punchlines, but instead a barrage of sexist, ableist and racist humour.
That said, it's certainly audacious as Billy Bob Thornton cusses up a storm, gets a handjob in a Santa costume, punches Kathy Bates in the face, fights a little person and drinks whiskey until he vomits in the streets.
If it was recut with different music, the trailer for Bad Santa 2 would suggest the most depressing holiday drama of all time.
If you're still on board, you can watch the trailer for Bad Santa 2 below. The "film" arrives on November 23.
That said, it's certainly audacious as Billy Bob Thornton cusses up a storm, gets a handjob in a Santa costume, punches Kathy Bates in the face, fights a little person and drinks whiskey until he vomits in the streets.
If it was recut with different music, the trailer for Bad Santa 2 would suggest the most depressing holiday drama of all time.
If you're still on board, you can watch the trailer for Bad Santa 2 below. The "film" arrives on November 23.