Too High Crew

Waldorf, Vancouver BC July 7

BY Alan RantaPublished Jul 8, 2012

After a muggy day in Vancouver, a tight selection of rap aficionados gathered in the basement cabaret to await the notorious Too High Crew. Who is in this 24-person stoned collective? How many of them would show up? How high would they be, exactly? Sometime after midnight, all these questions would be answered.

Thankfully interrupting a club DJ set, five male and three female MCs sauntered out on stage to represent the Too High Crew. Shockingly unaccompanied by a bellowing cloud of smoke, the crew overcame their apparent soberness with gusto. Though only a third of the crew was in the house, they all wore T-shirts with the whole gang's stage names on them, so they were all there in spirit, and the crew's presence made up for the rest.

Playing beats on a Mac laptop, individuals would trade verses while the rest hyped, and everyone constantly shuffled and bobbed around the small stage. It wasn't a musically impressive set, as their hazy flows were fairly straightforward and the old-school beats were pre-recorded, but virtuosity is not the point of Too High Crew. They have two main interests: getting high and getting laid, in that order.

If you take their lyrics half-seriously, they're higher than every rap crew in history, higher than Afroman, Snoop Dogg and Cypress Hill combined. Too High Crew seem quite sincere in their lust for weed, so it makes sense that they would design their sets to be performable in any state.

Though the intimidating glare of the bouncers disappointingly ensured nobody actually smoked during their set, the crew all had perma-grins plastered across their faces. They swayed and swarmed around the beat, stomping out hilarious tracks about getting laid during an alien invasion ("Alien Azz Pharm") and the reverse Green Eggs and Ham of weed smoking (at church, at work, in class, in the shower, as heard in "Dwarves Blaze All Night").

It's hard not to get caught up in their idiotically fun vibe. The word 'redonculous' was created for Too High Crew.

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