Threat Signal


BY Denise FalzonPublished Nov 3, 2009

As the follow-up to their 2006 debut, Under Reprisal, this eagerly anticipated release from Threat Signal is disappointingly underwhelming. Perhaps this is because the Hamilton, ON band's sound has gotten a bit stale since 2006, or because vocalist Jon Howard remains the only founding member left standing, or because Howard's production skills don't compare to that of Christian Olde Wolbers (now ex-Fear Factory), who produced the first record, or perhaps it's a combination of the three. Whatever the reason, Vigilance simply doesn't live up to Under Reprisal. However, it's not all bad; "Afterlife" is a strong opening track that contains some great heavy riffs, while the extremely melodic "Another Source of Light" is also a nice break from the record's monotonous sound. The album's best attribute is the guitar work, which alternates between fast, crunching, rhythmic riffs and melodious leads. But although some tracks, including closer "To Remember," are instrumentally strong, Vigilance is unfortunately an easily forgettable album.
(Nuclear Blast)

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