Teenage Kicks

Be on My Side

BY Ian GormelyPublished Feb 28, 2012

Toronto, ON five-piece Teenage Kicks are one of the leading lights in a small but growing scene in the city more concerned with writing catchy, hard rocking tunes than artful soundscapes. Their M.O. is as apparent in their lyrics as their riffs: "good things come to those who wait/good things come to those who wait on tables," croons lead-singer Peter Van Helvoort on "I Get What You Give." This second EP raises the bar from last year's Rational Anthems, delivering more anthems and hook-laden '70s riffs than its predecessor. Alongside stellar new offering "Middle of the Night," the band re-recorded the two tracks from their debut Shook Our Bones seven-inch, excising some of the urgency, but bulking up the power of this six-song collection. Inevitably, other new tracks like "Everybody Knows It" can't match the great heights set by the EP's highlights, but they by no means drag the others down. Heartfelt and rock-radio ready, we'll hopefully be hearing much more from Teenage Kicks in the near future.

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