Suitcase Sam and the Suits

Silver Dollar Room, Toronto ON, June 13

Photo: Matt Bobkin

BY Matt BobkinPublished Jun 14, 2013

Suitcase Sam and the Suits showed up blatantly attempting to look like if they were from a time long past. The band's attire was complete with fedoras, three-piece suits, upright bass, and a harmonica rig, which was duct-taped to fit a kazoo. From the moment the singer, only known as Suitcase Sam, opened his mouth, it became apparent that the band's shtick extended beyond their appearance. "We gon' do one of the good ol' good'uns," said Sam before the band launched into a jaunty tune that felt like what one would imagine a band at a speakeasy to sound like. Songs like "Friday Afternoon" featured Sam's yelpy croon and plinking keyboards that were pleasing but ultimately forgettable, and offered little other than a reminder of what popular music used to sound like. Not to say that the set was bad, but the band demonstrated little appeal beyond their gimmick.

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