Yigi Yigi

BY Brent HagermanPublished Feb 1, 2004

When was the last time you saw a sign that said "didgeridoo player seeks musicians for band”? Vince Sanregret's arsenal of didges is the backbone of Yigi Yigi (which, by the way, means didgeridoo) and his diverse talents on the rare axe turn an ancient primitive instrument into a sure-fire groove stick. Instrumental tracks such as "Seven Seas,” "Dr. Spice" and "Hummingbird" — where the didge mimics the sound of the bird — are brave world fusion with break beat drums and often screaming guitars. "Free Spirit I" and "II" are free sound collages tightening into potential club hits. The sound pallet Sanregret manages to draw from with his instrument is awe-inspiring and akin to Austria's Richard Ackermann from the bohemian folk ensemble Mandragora (though admittedly SMAC is Mandragora on steroids). The only flaw here is two ill-advised forays into what amount to little more than mediocre jam band funk rock ("Danger of Falling" and "Your Light"). The mix works better on the latter but they are not in the same league or experimental headspace as the rest of the album.
(Brass Monkey)

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