Revelation Records To Publish Book On '90s Hardcore

BY Josiah HughesPublished Nov 5, 2008

First, Steven Blush’s American Hardcore book spawned the movie. Then, earlier this year, MTV Books helped publish Radio Silence, a book that ignored Blush’s earlier observation that hardcore died with the ’80s and expanded it to modern times. Proving that this scene can’t be summed up in enough books, Revelation Records will be releasing Brian Peterson’s Burning Fight: The Nineties Hardcore Revolution in Ethics, Politics, Spirit and Sound.

The book attempts to document the numerous paths that hardcore took in the ’90s and to prove its validity, reports Billboard, which says the book release will include a massive hardcore festival in Chicago this May. The line-up for the two night extravaganza includes Split Lip, Unbroken, Disembodied, Trial, Mouthpiece, 108, Underdog, Guilt, Killingtime, Damnation AD, Ringworm, Threadbare, Reach The Sky, Bane, Betrayed, Blacklisted, Have Heart, Soul Control, the Killer, Convicted, Harms Way and Thought Crusade. Some bands, like Split Lip, have members who haven’t played together in over a decade.

Split Lip "Surrendering the Ghost” (live in St. Louis, 1994)

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