Pirate Bay Co-Founder Peter Sunde Arrested

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jun 2, 2014

A major figure in the world of file sharing has been taken down, as the Pirate Bay's co-founder Peter Sunde has been apprehended after evading authorities for close to two years.

He was captured on a farm in the southern Swedish county of Skåne. Interpol had been looking for him since 2012 to serve a sentence for violating copyright laws.

As Reuters reports, Carolina Ekeus of at the Swedish National Police Board said, "He was given eight months in jail so he has to serve his sentence."

Although Sunde has been on the run, he's remained a fairly active public figure. He's been involved in the startups Flattr and Hemlis, and even ran for office in the European Parliament as part of the Pirate Party of Finland.

Originally, four men associated with the Pirate Bay were arrested and sentenced to a year in prison. Their jail time was reduced in appeals, although their fines were raised from $5.22 million to $7.5 million.

The Pirate Bay is a torrent-sharing site that launched in 2003. It was raided in 2006, and the founders were convicted in 2009. The site went offline in 2010, but it later relaunched and claims new ownership. It is still up and running.

Fredrik Neij, who also co-founded the Pirate Bay, remains on the run. Gottfrid Svartholm and Carl Lundstrom have completed their sentences.

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