Mike Skinner Writing 'The Story of the Streets' for March Release

BY Alex HudsonPublished Jan 3, 2012

Evidently Mike Skinner hasn't been taking any time off since announcing the end of the Streets. Recently, the songwriter has formed a new band called the D.O.T. and even hinted that he may venture into filmmaking. He's also confirmed that, come spring, he will be releasing a book about his time in the Streets.

The memoir will be functionally titled The Story of the Streets, and it was penned with writer Ben Thompson. In a post on his Twitter account, Skinner pointed to a listing on Amazon.co.uk which notes that the hardcover tome will be 352 pages long and is slated to arrive on shelves on March 29.

He also tweeted, "i wasnt going to have photos in my book coz i thought it was a bit silly but the wife said i had to."

We're hoping that Skinner's writing collaborator will help to make his prose a little more elegant that his tweets. Either way, we're still pretty excited to read what he's got to say.

Thanks to Contactmusic for the tip.

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