Made Out of Babies

The Ruiner

BY Vish KhannaPublished Jun 20, 2008

While there are few displays of outright musical virtuosity on The Ruiner, Brooklyn’s Made Out of Babies attack their songs with intensity, focusing most of their energy on pummelling rhythms that propel dynamic vocalist Julie Christmas into harrowing fits. From Cooper’s bass tone to Matthew Egan’s complementary off-kilter drumming, the band’s primary influence seems to be the Jesus Lizard, though aspects of Helmet and Quicksand shine through, particularly in Brendan Tobin’s dense but angular guitar work. Again, the driving force is Christmas, who bites into songs like "Cooker” and "Bunny Boots” with such force that you can almost hear her band wince in response. Alternating between coy tunefulness on the Qui-like prog metal of "Invisible Ink” and primal screaming during "How to Get Bigger,” Christmas falls into a tradition of distinctive vocalists who are an acquired taste. Shifting through her stylistic range, yet remaining clear and direct, Christmas leads Made Out of Babies through a heavy, satisfying workout on The Ruiner.
(The End)

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