Kaki King

"Anthropomorph" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Feb 25, 2015

Acoustic guitar master Kaki King is showing off her virtuosic fretboard skills and a whole bunch of twisting animated visuals in the new video for her fluttery new single, "Anthropomorph."

As you'll see down below, the cut features a series of stylistic squiggles stretching across the screen. Sometimes you have to apply a bit of Rorschach-styled imagination into what they represent, but every now again the lines evolve into complex geometric patterns, floral scenes, or a screen full of hand-drawn visages. Beneath all this are flashes of King playing her semi-hollow six-string.

You'll find the vivid visuals for the song, which merges busy and folky guitar runs with brass, chimes and more, down below.

King's new, Kickstarter-funded The Neck Is a Bridge to the Body LP lands March 3.

UPDATE: Kaki King will be playing Toronto's Geary Lane on Thursday (February 26) and Montreal on Friday (February 27) at Club Soda. You can see her full list of dates here.

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