
"Boy Lilikoi"

BY Ian GormelyPublished Dec 11, 2009

TRACK OF THE DAY: It used to be that the name Sigur Rós conjured up all things slow, given the glacial pace of the Icelandic band's music and their relatively sporadic output (three years between albums is an eternity these days). Then came last year's Meõ suõ í eyrum viõ° spilum endalaust and its shockingly spritely single, "Gobbledigook." And now, hot on that record's heals comes Go, the debut solo album from front-man Jonsi Birgisson, dropping in March.

"Boy Lilikoi" is the record's lead single, and is an amazing amalgamation of Sigur Rós' art-rock and 21st century indie pop. Pounding drums and Birgisson's trademark vocals are accented by a massive orchestra of strings and flutes. The song evokes beautiful innocence like nothing before - something Sigur Rós have tried to capture since their inception - feels like a lost single from Karen O and the Kids' Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack.

Download Jonsi's "Boy Lilikoi" here.

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