Infinity Crush

Virtual Heaven

BY Karen K. TranPublished Aug 6, 2019

Carolina White, the folkie singer-songwriter known as Infinity Crush, has refined her dreamlike musical style with the release of Virtual Heaven. Three years since her debut, Warmth Equation, White entered Minneapolis's Minnehaha Studios for her first real studio experience, adding more layers to her sound yet still retaining the DIY vibe that Infinity Crush encapsulates.
The guitar accompaniment is simple throughout the album, serving to put White's mild vocal performance front and centre. Lyrics from Virtual Heaven read like a lovesick girl's diary — a prominent theme of unrequited romance is often brought up which ties the album together. "I'm haunted by this dream I have where you kiss my neck and then my hands / and we're lying in the brightest garden," White sings on the title track.
Immediately on the next track, "Pink Moon" she elaborates: "Wake up from the dream where you kiss me when you're sober… Wasn't life so pretty when I'd meet you in the garden?"
Album closer "Prophet" feels the most lyrically honest and represents the entire album best — if you add one song from Virtual Heaven to your coffee shop soundtrack, it should be this. Whereas most of the album dances around the topic with overzealous metaphors, "Prophet" gets straight to the point: "It's always been you that I want to run to."
Unfortunately, the album is bland overall. The lyrics, instrumentals and tempo all hit the same, slow note. There are hundreds of singer-songwriters who wail about unrequited love, and Infinity Crush doesn't do it best.
(Joy Void)

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