The Drums

"Days" (video) / Live on 'Fallon'

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Feb 16, 2012

Brooklyn, NY indie popsters the Drums appeared on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon yesterday evening (February 15) to perform "Days."

The tune comes from the band's sophomore album Portamento, which was released back in the fall. The group previously garnered some attention recently for lashing out at Kings of Leon and advising them to "stop making music," though with KOL frontman Caleb Followhill's feelings towards "indie" bands, we're guessing the beef goes both ways.

Watch the Drums deliver their jangly indie pop number "Days" on Fallon below courtesy of Audio Perv.

UPDATE: You can also see the actual music video for "Days," which was just unveiled, at the bottom of the page.

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