CD Burning Legalised in UK

BY Dave SynyardPublished Jan 10, 2008

Only a few days ago transferring music to your iPod, copying to your computer and burning copies of CDs was illegal, but just across the pond things have changed in this digital age. People who had been partaking in these activities were technically breaking the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

"In an increasingly digital world we need to be sure that our copyright system keeps up with the times and works effectively. This consultation explores where the boundaries lie between strong protection for rights-holders and appropriate levels of access for users," said the UK’s Minister for Intellectual Property Lord Triesman.

Records labels have accepted that consumers should be able to transfer music from one format to another, but fear that this may add to the idea that music can be freely copied without any repercussions. Owners of the original CD will still not be allowed to sell or give away the original once it has been copied, however.

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