Cate Le Bon

"Love Is Not Love" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished May 23, 2016

While many are laying low this Victoria Day, L.A.-based art rock singer-songwriter Cate Le Bon is celebrating her own Crab Day with an elaborately choreographed, emotion-pondering music video for her latest record's "Love Is Not Love."

Filmed in Berlin by director Phil Collins, the video finds possible health goth Le Bon syncing up with a troupe of dancers to deliver spin moves and various po-mo stretches. This is all scored by the song's mix of early '70s singer-songwriter piano, acrobatic guitar fuzz and Le Bon's mixed mood musings.

"Love is not love when it's a coat hanger, a borrowed line or passenger," she coos determinedly on the piece.

You can see the video down below. Crab Day is out now through Drag City.

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