Bruce McDonald

BY Sam SutherlandPublished Aug 16, 2008

Bruce McDonald is a rad guy. He's making a horror movie called Pontypool. It's screening at the Toronto International Film Festival this fall. We got to see the set while they were shooting on it. It looked like a movie set. Everyone was really nice, though, and there were small sandwiches that were delicious.

This interview was part of a big gauntlet the guy took part in after answering some press conference-style questions. We went over our allotted time by insisting that we talk about Hard Core Logo, the best Canadian film ever made. Full disclosure: me and Camera Two just organized and implemented a Hard Core Logo Tribute Night this past Thursday. Bruce came, we screened the film, and a bunch of bands played songs from the movie. Bet you wish you were there.

Finally, we don't really understand this "RED ONE" shit, but apparently it's, like, the biggest deal ever. Google it.

Headstones "Cemetery" (dir. Bruce McDonald)

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