Black Eyed Peas' Label Sues Pooping Unicorn Toymaker for Alleged Unauthorized Use of "My Humps"

They've got them spending

BY Sydney BrasilPublished Jan 20, 2023

Whoever said "capitalism breeds innovation" clearly did not anticipate this. BMG, the label supporting Black Eyed Peas, is suing the makers of a pooping unicorn toy for an allegedly unauthorized and objectively disturbing ripoff of "My Humps."

As per Reuters' reporting, MGA, the company behind the Poopsie Slime Surprise toys, has been hit with a $10 million USD lawsuit for using the spoof in both commercials and in the toys themselves. In the ad, the slime-pooping unicorns sing "My Poops" to the tune of the 2005 pop-rap hit. Some choice lyrics include "Whatcha gonna do with all that poop? All that poop?" and "Fart Jacobs swag," which makes us believe we are truly in the worst timeline. 

BMG owns 75 percent of the composition copyright to "My Humps," and says one of the Poopsie Slime Surprise dolls also sings "My Poops" when its belly button is pushed. Alongside the alleged similarities in melody, lyrics and chord progression with the original track, BMG also claims the singer of "My Poops" sounds "very similar" to Fergie.

All in all, it's just a shitty situation (pun intended). If you're morbidly curious, watch the commercial in question below.


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