Alkaline Trio Announce Departure From Epic

BY Keith CarmanPublished May 6, 2009

Talk about airing your dirty laundry in public.

While most eyeliner-clad gothic punk rockers tend to internalize bad news, so as to keep their brooding appearance intact, Californian contingent Alkaline Trio prefer to share things with the masses.

That's what happened at a recent performance in Worcester, MA, as front-man/guitarist Matt Skiba announced the trio have parted ways with former label Epic Records. Sure, that kind of stuff happens all the time but this particular split is kind of rough, given that Alk3 (as the preferred abbreviation goes) have only released one album - sixth effort Agony & Irony - through Epic, less than a year ago.

Undaunted, Skiba (the band are rounded out by bassist Dan Andriano and drummer Derek Grant) continued on to inform attendees that they are using this as an opportunity to form their label. All future Alkaline Trio efforts, like the album they plan to record this summer, will be self-released via the as of yet unnamed company.

No word was given on if the label will work with other acts or if the crowd really cared.

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